Devs ruined it, imagine doing an update that wipes out all of the player's money and items and forces them to start over after several hundred hours of playing. Up yours

3 good games but this is a terrible remaster. It looks sloppy, the sound mixing is whack (the main menu song for example is twice as loud as the rest of the game for some reason), a lot of the sound effects appear to be re-used and some portions of audio were static-y...for some reason? They also didn't remake certain parts like the animation of the camera returning to the base so it looks janky when suddenly they cut from the remastered graphics back to how it looked on the PS2 for 3 seconds.

Its biggest sin though is Honor Among Thieves. Sly 3 is a disaster. They added these stupid black bars that aren't timed with the game's fade ins and fade out so it just looks awkward, plus they don't always make it all the way across the screen. But even worse, they failed to properly format overlays for the game's resolution, meaning anytime you pause or they use an overly, it doesn't make it all the way across the screen and you can see behind it on the edges. This also happens during cutscenes and it's very distracting.

Overall, a very poor remaster.

Pretty good, which is disappointing when you think about how brilliant the concept is. At some point, it uses every mechanic it introduces well. The problem I have with it, is it does not do this consistently. Half the puzzles feel like they weren't play tested. Why am I able to solve puzzles in the 4th of 5 worlds in 15 seconds. I think Viewfinder toes too closely the line between giving the player the freedom to innovate into solutions they might not expect to work, and sporadic difficulty. There were just too many instances where I finished a puzzle and thought to myself "Oh, that's it? Okay."

The story is whatever. I get it but I don't think it's very compelling. The characters weren't fleshed out enough for me to care about their failure. Someone spending their life working on a project that amounts to failure sucks and it's sad, but it should be sad in a personal way if its a story. This felt very impersonal, and perhaps that's fitting. I felt as though I was sifting through the scattershot memories of a grand project that spanned many people's lifetimes. As if I was viewing it through photographs. And while its novel that they pulled off that also means uh, I felt emotionally distant from the narrative. Which is a problem.

I think it should probably be longer too. I beat it in 5.6 hours, and about 30 minutes of that I fell asleep with it paused. Not sure if its too easy or if playing the Talos Principle (an excellent puzzle game you should play if you haven't already) hardened me into a lean, mean, puzzle-solving machine but this felt pretty easy. Only 1 puzzle stumped me in the entire game and it was because I didn't understand how a mechanic worked yet.

Overally, okay. Could be better. Fine for what it is.