Not the best Borderlands game, but certainly not the worst.

The D&D elements of the game are fantastic, although I feel like there could have been more effort made to make the Guns a bit more fantasy-esque - sure, there are some crossbows and the reload animations are a bit more crazy, but at the end of the day, they still feel just like guns.

The different equipment slots are overwhelming and confusing to begin with and the menu isn't very good, with information difficult to find, for example, when comparing weapons in the menu it only shows you very basic information with some symbols that we're supposed to just know, somehow. Now, this could be because we played it split-screen but it made comparing weapons or any type of armour difficult and resulted in us only ever comparing items when they were on the floor, when the information was much clearer for some reason.

Aside from all the menu issues, the game is a very fun time, the gunplay feels good and the enemies are fun to shoot. I loved the way the bosses had their own gimmick that spiced up the gameplay (Something that Borderlands 3 was sorely missing).

The character creation was good and I enjoyed unlocking different colours, patterns, emotes and more whilst playing the game, even if looking through them was a bit of a headache due to the preview not loading all too often.

I wish there was New Game + but the post-game arena mode is a lot of fun, it felt a lot like playing 'Hades', although the loot you get from it feels a bit redundant when you can't play the game through again.

All in all, Wonderlands is a fun time, I'm a big fan of Borderlands 2 and D&D so this felt good and they generally did a great job with it. My hope is that Borderlands 4 will be more like this and less like Borderlands 3.

Reviewed on May 23, 2022
