I love this game, no ifs, ands or buts, I just love it. We could go on a spiel about its drastic impact on the gaming industry, whether it was negative or positive, but that’d take us back to that games as art debate that got old and tired really quick. Getting it out of the way, they are art, there’s no point in frolicking about trying to find the answer. It’s right there, please curtail that redundancy in the entertainment area. This game did not bring the advent of good storytelling in games, it’s been there years before this game was even in the concept stages. Games have had good stories since at least the fifth generation, and you can go further back. This game has a good story, just like all the other games with good stories.

It’s a great game, and even greater than the sum of its parts. It deserves its accolades even if some of it feels misplaced or derisive of gaming at large. Y’now what? I don’t just love this game, I ADORE it, especially Part I, since it fixed all the issues I had with the gameplay of vanilla, but please, will everyone just shut the fuck up? Console warriors, naysayers, the “Sony just makes movie games” crowd, snobbish games journalists, twitter hoes. Thank you. As for the remake(ster) in question:

Vanilla has brain rot AI that barely functions as intended unless you’ve cranked up the difficulty to grounded, but even then, grounded lives up to its name, and it’s not fun. Part I not only remedied that, and just looks downright better, but it also has a new movement engine, new animations, and seamless gameplay to cutscene transitions, in turn making what’s basically the same game but somehow much better. It’s the little things. It’s not worth the asking price, but it’s at least worth half of it with how much effort they put into it, which is what I spent on it thank dog for years of unused in-store credit.

Post facto:

Rest in peace Annie Wersching, you gave a stand-out performance and this game wouldn’t have been the same without it.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
