When Ellie was asked by that random old woman, “Who are you?” and she responded, “Ellie,” and the old woman asked again, “Ellie who?” And Ellie gazed at the horizon contemplatively and saw the ghosts of Joel, Tess, Jesse and Riley looking back at her, and she replied to the old woman, “Ellie Miller,” and it showed her and JJ looking at the sun afterwards, I cried. It was so beautiful.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024


22 days ago

I remember watching Rise of Skywalker in theaters and watching everyone at the theater groan at that scene. Hopefully this one isn't Rise of Skywalker.

22 days ago

Doubtfully, at least these games have an actual cohesive vision, despite what some may think of Part II. The ST was strung together with duct tape and glue. They didn’t plan any of it. I’m confident Part III will be a worthy conclusion to the series, but it is funny to me to draw parallels since many compare Part II with The Last Jedi.