Definitely greater than the sum of its parts because some of its parts are pretty subpar. The chess part is great visually but I don’t like how it shows you everything you’re putting yourself in range of and everything you could take. Plus your opponents can always see exactly what you’re hovering over which is a little annoying. The fighting game part also has some problems. Animations are a little choppy and don’t always read perfectly (even though key poses are quite strong). The lack of high-low mix makes offense feel a little stale for everyone except the grappler. THAT ALL BEING SAID, this game is still excellent in every other aspect. Pawns being able to capture and be captured without a fight is genius and I was genuinely shocked the first time I won by taking a king with a pawn. The piece/character archetypes all make a lot of sense. Even though I’m almost always a rushdown guy, they’ve done a great job making every character fun and intuitive. Also, it goes without saying that this might be the best concept for a game ever. The chess gameplay adds a lot of variety to the FGC gameplay which would probably get stale pretty fast with how simple the characters are. Overall, great game that I would love to see expanded upon in future updates.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2024
