Persona 3: Reload is one of the best, if not the best remake I've ever seen. They upgraded absolutely everything from the original game. The gameplay is the same as the other Persona games, with social links and turn-based battles, so there's nothing new to add in that regard. However, gameplay was never the strong point of any Persona game; it's always been the story. And just like in the original, the story is spectacular in Persona 3: Reload. It's undoubtedly the best Persona game ever made.

All the main characters are interesting, each with their own unique traits, and you can see the change and growth of the characters throughout the game. The ending breaks all expectations. The only thing I would criticize is that they sold The Answer as separate DLC, which was a terrible move on their part. I hope that when they release the Persona 4 remake, they don't release Golden separately afterward. Hopefully, this take ages like fine wine.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
