Like many titles of the early 1990s, StarTropics was inspired by the success of The Legend of Zelda. While the results of such ventures are often mixed, the title has the merit of delivering an adventure of rare quality. Mixing the gameplay of a Zelda - albeit with a grid - and a Dragon Quest for the movement on the world map, StarTropics achieves an elegant result that stands out from the productions of the time. Apart from the difficulty, which skyrockets in the last world, the title's dungeons are generally well balanced, even if a few particularly devious traps still litter the route. The chaptering with automatic saves makes the adventure more enjoyable and allows for the development of a small story, at the crossroads between heroic-fantasy, an almost ecological nature tale and absurd humour - in the manner of Mother. Ultimately, StarTropics is an original attempt and specifically designed for American audiences. It brilliantly meets the challenge it has set itself, standing at the crossroads of genres, which gives it a little avant-garde edge. It is a pity that it is so little known to the public!

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2022
