The first opus of one of Square Enix's most famous franchises, Kingdom Hearts FINAL MIX, in its remastered version for PC, is a particularly strong disappointment. The public, despite the effects of nostalgia, agrees on the structural and technical problems of the title, since its original release. The camera is one of the title's most notable flaws and exacerbates other weaknesses, such as the combat system and its rigidity. On the other hand, the remaster is a rare indecency, as it does not correct any of these problems. Its interest is supposedly an HD upscale of the title and a 60 FPS framerate, but this hardly hides the misery of the art direction, which is even more glaring. Worse, the high definition makes the lack of lip movement and other concessions that could be accepted in the PS2 era laughable. Generally speaking, the title retains all its archaisms. They are legion: beyond the graphics and the combat system, the writing remains particularly cryptic and mediocre, struggling to interest the player or even to properly mobilise the borrowed worlds. Apart from Winnie the Pooh, the different worlds are not very interesting, especially as they summarise the events of the various Disney films at lightning speed, in a sort of detestable fan service. Similarly, the use of Final Fantasy characters is pure cameo and doesn't seem to make any sense. It is this impression of futility that comes out of the whole title. This one tries to be varied, to mix genres that don't usually cohabit well together (action-RPG, platformer, shoot'em up, various mini-games), but doesn't excel in any of them. One would be hard pressed to find a gameplay element that works at all. The combat system is abysmally poor and the balancing doesn't help the title stand out, so it has no choice but to multiply the number of enemies to try and bring some dynamism; yet the floating targetting can't handle that many enemies. The platforming is not helped by the camera, nor by the particularly limited jumping palette. The gummi-ship sequences are miserable and the customisation system is one of the most unreadable in this medium. This is without counting on the aberration of the controller setup, which places buttons in a completely illogical way (in flight, Y to descend and B to climb). The problems multiply and you come out with few positive remarks. Some sequences are not too unpleasant, but the veteran player will find much better elsewhere. It's hard to recommend this title to anyone and the nostalgia goggles wouldn't even seem to be enough to bring salvation to Kingdom Hearts.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
