Rivaled only by Disco Elysium in the way it makes me feel like i'm really there, in the goddamn game. DLC's have amazing writing, I love Dead Money and Lonesome Road the most. Most of my words are just echoes of what thousands have said before me, it's a complete baffling shock that this game was made in 18 months. The DLCs of course were made after but BASE GAME FNV is literally one of the best stories ever told and you are the star player in the narritive in a way that feels completely natural and not some chosen one bullshit. You got mixed up with the wrong crowd and suddenly you kinda dictate how a huge faction war plays out, all in post apocalyptic Nevada. Every quest has so many moving parts and reactions and it's a never ending treasure trove of stuff to do. The gunplay is underrated! It's fallout 3's guns but they gave them iron sights, mods, and alternate ammo. I love debating on which ammo to use in different fights, I love being at speech 100 and talking my way out of most gunfights. The fact that other (DEEP RPGS) would brag like "You can kill every npc in the game and still reach the ending" makes me upset. New Vegas manages to feel like I really could talk my way out of killing every named character in the game is a testament to it's quality. This game is a masterpiece, 10/10 to me, not because it's "perfect" but because it's exactly what I want out of a western RPG like this.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
