We're still not quite sure if we played this game, if it played us, or if we simply happened while the game happened as well. Part of the struggle of us loving weird/surreal games so much is that sometimes, when you ask us to "review" them on some critical level, we just kinda... mentally short circuit.

Like, do you want us to hear about how this is the perfect translation of an early 2010s Megaman parody comic from tumblr? Do you want us to hear about how this is a surprisingly fun video game despite its obviously jokey looks? Do you want us to compliment one of the most diabolically silly jokes we've ever seen a video game pull, spoiling said joke in the process? We could do each of those in-depth, but really, all we'll say is this:

If this looks like a video game that made you raise your eyebrow curiously at, you should probably just sit down and play it. It's only like, 2-3 hours long, tops, and it doesn't exactly require the most in-depth knowledge of the original webcomic... or indeed, knowledge of it at all.

In short: "what" is an accurate summary

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
