A visual tour de force of mastery over the RPGMaker engine, providing beautiful worlds with a heavy, intricate polish wherever you go; I can say with confidence that Deep Dreams is one of the best Yume Nikki fangames i've played.
in a word, the game is approachable; even though it does involve a lot of the Yume Nikki level design/puzzles that can be off-putting, it differentiates itself from most fangames by giving you almost everything you need very early on.
There are few areas that require certain effects to move through (and few effects that have impact on the environment or open new doors for you) and you can toggle sprint speed just about any time in the game instead of needing to make a beeline to a bicycle equivalent early on, so you're heavily encouraged to go just about wherever you want directly from the beginning of the game; a very welcome contrast to games like Yume 2kki that have many barriers you'd need a niche effect to get past.
The staying power of this game is overwhelming, and I think that all enthusiasts of this sort of game should consider giving this one a shot!
(Do note that there is one potentially "epileptic/seizure-warning" event, in a small flashing lights box in a cave, but as far as I know you don't need to interact with it to do anything else in this game)

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
