this version of the game is more fun to replay than the xbox 360/ps3/pc release.

this version was made by ubi montreal whom developed splinter cell and chaos theory.

It shares alot of the same mission setup as the 360 game but features gameplay more in line with chaos theory.

Overall though its pretty weird in that the missions do feel "B" quality and I mean that in the good way. This was obviously a much smaller team with fewer resources than chaos theory so the game doesn't really aim to change the basic gameplay established in chaos theory. Its more of a remix of chaos theory style gameplay with the the ideas being developed by the Shanghai studio for the 360 version.

Its worth playing for fans and its much more repayable than the 360 version, higher challenge and more options for skill play in the form of difficulty that requires more stealth and less gadgets.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2022
