I'm a big fan of Frogwares' games, and I wery wait this game, but... something going wrong.
Oh, right, game isn't so bad: it has wounderful graphic, I mean, Frogwares really made theyr nice style, uniting a lot of realistic small parts and saving old game-style. But cause of it graphic is overloaded and not all compucters can withstand all cutscenes. Also new characters style is nice, and new characters' characters are natural better than previos. Gameplay is similiar with "Sherlock Holmes: chapter one", and it's pluse, cause "new" game style is more interesting. But we haven't open-world, which was in "Chapter one", just pair cases from Microft & and pair streets - and it's all. Also new cutscenes (SPOILER, this game is a remake) pleasantly surprised me like gamer.
But there are some problems, like a deleted scene with a very important character for other games in the series, and, honestly, gameplay's time is very much shortened: we lost some funny mini-games from 'canonicaly' game.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
