This review was written before the game released

Overwatch 2 is probably one of the biggest disappointments for me.
I loved the first game back in high school, even if it fell to the wayside for me as the years went on. I still booted it up from time to time, even if I didn't gel with all of the changes made to the game. So, with the announcement of the sequel, I was a bit excited for it.
Despite how rocky the pre-release and release of the game was, I did give Overwatch 2 a shot when it came out (or more accurately, when Blizzard removed the phone number requirement for people who owned Overwatch 1), and while the core gameplay was still as fun as it was seven years ago, a lot of the changes Blizzard made to the game (especially in terms of monetization and player progression) made it a lot less enjoyable to play, especially for sessions that last longer than two games.
After the initial hype wore down, I only booted the game up like two or three times, and when Blizzard announced the initial plans for PvP were cancelled, I uninstalled the game out of disgust. And thanks to the recent news about what the new PvP mode will be like, I'm just fucking done with Overwatch and I'm never reinstalling it ever again.

Amazing how Blizzard soiled the good faith I used to have in the franchise.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
