Imagine thinking that rock steady fell off and more importantly imagine thinking that the suicide squad killed the Justice League is trash. Could never be me. These fake gamers are now crawling out of the woodwork to perpetuate this idea that gaming is the worst its ever been. That the suicide squad is trash because it's a life service game and because it's repetitive and so on and so forth. First of all, you could argue that with every game, every game gets boring after a while. Secondly how many live service games do you currently play? Probably more than you think. Rocksteady didn't fall off, you did and that's why folks, as someone who's already played this game because I'm not a fake gamer, I'm pre-ordering the $100 edition of The Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League because Rocksteady is about to make a damn point and you're either on the hype train or you're off.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
