When a FE fan says they hate awakening I think they put too much weight on the story, FE has always been anime inspired just cause this one reflects modern tropes doesn't make it more or less anime even if the specific tropes are annoying as hell. I don't put that much weight in story in a FE realistically only Genealogy (with a historical epic story) and Ike's games are the only FE stories I've like although other games have nice characters. Awakening's problem is that it's just boring. Some of the most boring and lazy map designs on part with three houses and Echoes, so much of the maps are boxes with a few things placed down or box split into three boxes but at least the other games have more charm to them. Every other game I could least like and get attached to some character. Everyone in this game are so boring or annoying I could not remember a single character other than Lucina, Chrom, and Robin, and that might just be because of smash. mid game to late I just started to only use robin and chrom pairing with a cleric and dancer. Maybe I could have accepted the baby mechanic if they just killed everyone off and started a new game. I know people say this game started pandering emblem but where are the hot or cool or fun characters lol, they look like they're from bravely default. The dark mage isn't even a goth rep stop playing. overall I still like FE so it gets an average score.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
