Maybe these were much, much worse before the patch, but from even current reviews people seem to hate it still. Though I can't fathom why if they liked the original. 100% completion and I never encountered a bug or crash. Although one of the complaints raised was a burger not spinning, so a lot of it really felt like nitpicking. Having ray tracing on by default with no way of turning it off is a strange choice though. But at the same time, it's some great use of it and I really like the graphical overhaul and how the still kept the look and feel. It really is like playing it the way you remember it as opposed to how it actually was. The game in general is great, none of the horribly dull gimmicks the series later started adding and its approach to missions actually takes use of its sandbox nature. Like taking stealing someone's car, planting a bomb in it and then returning it to save yourself a chase. So refreshing after later Rockstar games where every deviation from their script results in a game over despite how little sense it makes.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
