The Callisto Protocol encapsulates everything wrong with modern video games. Yeah, on a technical level, the game's amazing but who cares if I'm not having fun. This game is the definition of boring and dull.

Gameplay's boring, especially with how many crawl and shimmy spaces there are. Don't care for the story or characters. I like Josh Duhamel but I didn't go ape shit realizing he was in this game unlike COD WWII. There's nothing original or special about this game that sets it apart from over other horror zombies games like The Last of Us, Resident Evil and Dead Space just to name a few.

The Callisto Protocol fails so hard at being a video game it hurts.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023


6 months ago

The real Callisto Protocol we met along the way was Alt-F4

6 months ago

Very true lol