For the longest time, For Honor has been my least favorite game. Maybe it’s because I suck at the game but I’ve never been more miserable playing a game. That was the case until Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III was released. I can say with full confidence that MWIII is the worst video game I have ever played. Here’s why.

Disclaimer: I did not buy MWIII! I fortunately have a friend who is dumb enough to have bought it but also kind enough to lend me his copy so I can try it out for the week. In case you’re curious, he also doesn’t like the game very much. Doesn’t hate it as much as me, but still thinks it’s ass.

Greed. The most obvious problem with COD as a franchise are the masterminds behind it. Activision does not care about quality! They only care about the money, which unfortunately is going to be a lot. Why put in effort making something at the very least half decent when you can sit on your ass, scratch your crack, sniff it, and make billions doing so? That’s the development for this game. Don’t even get me started on the price of this game. Over 100 CAD for a reskin of MWII which is already a reskin of MW 2019. Plus, add in the terrible microtransactions and battle passes each two months. Have fun doing that every year! Jesus! This game is an actual scam and people are oblivious to it.

Identity. People like to joke about COD and how it’s the same game every year. COD games at their core are “the same”, but there’s enough surrounding them that makes them unique and different enough from each other. MWIII is the exact same as MWII last year. Honestly, if you bought MWII last year, what’s the point of buying MWIII this year? Nothing’s new! Nothing’s been improved! Game is worse!

Campaign. MWIII has the worst story and missions. First off, I never played the original MW3 campaign, but I know the important events and that it wasn’t as good compared to MW and MW2 (those I played, and I loved their campaigns). I also never played MW 2019 or MWII’s campaign, but I watched some videos to get caught up on the narrative. First off, the campaign doesn’t even play out like a campaign. It feels more like the SPEC OPS mission in MW 2019, which is not a good thing. Very bad actually. SPECS OPS was repetitive and boring and MWIII’s campaign is no different. They tried replicating “No Russian” and it failed miserably. Soap dies the most unemotional death ever. In the OG MW3, you were devasted, shocked by his death. Here, “he dead, oh well”. A terrible campaign and a disgrace to the Modern Warfare franchise legacy.

Multiplayer. I will admit, I had fun playing the multiplayer. COD’s multiplayer is always fun, and it is what people play these games for. However, like the past 7 COD games, there’s not much content at launch and we must wait months for the game to go from shit to less shit. The multiplayer is fun, for now. A couple of days, you will get bored playing the same maps over and over, using the same gun over and over ultimately making each match the same as the last. Repetition becomes predictable and as a result boring. Also, they need to get rid of the gunsmith! Do you have any idea how tedious and long it is to level up every gun to the max? Then, you have to play Bob the Builder to get the best set of attachments to make your gun OP. I remember the days when COD was simple and super accessible. Here, I spend more time looking up what each attachment does than I do debunking or proving mathematical paradoxes for my university classes. Good grief!

Zombies. This is not zombies! The zombies I knew, the mode that hooked me to COD and is the reason why I even still bought some of these games has been completely massacred! Cool characters are replaced with dull, generic operators again. There’s no solo option so you must play with friends or randoms. You can just build wonder weapons via blueprints and start each game with them. Where’s the sense of progression? How’s a game fun when you start off on baby mode? It’s not round based so you must go around this huge map and do menial objectives. You could say the same thing for Easter eggs in past zombies, but at least those gave a rewarding sense of progression. Since the map is so big, you must find the zombies. How much sense does that make? Map is dull, there’s no unique aesthetic like feeding the dragons on Der Eisendrache, the afterlife in Mob of the Dead, the robots in Origins, nothing. Nothing that says “play me over those over maps. I got this and that that you can’t experience on those other maps”. Feels like I’m playing a beta customs map on BO3. Easter eggs are lame, short, easy. Never doing them again. I really don’t understand why we can’t have traditional zombies and have this as a separate game mode. Cold War had round based zombies and Outbreak. Giving your players more options is good, isn’t it? Activision doesn't seem to think so.

In conclusion, MWIII is a scam. I honestly believe this game should be held in court the same way Star Wars: Battlefront 2 was for its loot boxes. There is an important lesson to be learned here though. “You can put in as little effort as possible. You cannot care about anything in the world. But if you own something remotely popular in the mainstream media and put it out with the barest minimum, people will suck it up and you will make billions.” People like to say, “work smart, not hard.” Activision, they say “don’t work at all, make billions.” Moments like these make me question my life. Is working hard for a good career so I and my family can live a good future worth it when I can just follow Activision’s steps and potentially get better results?

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2023
