Guess the game awards were right, this game is awesome! Story had me gripped from beginning to end. The songs are awesome once again. Unlike the first Alan Wake, getting the collectibles this time round was fun. Getting all those manuscript pages and coffee thermos in the first was tedious. Unlike Control, the map didn't confuse me and I knew where I was going most of the time. Graphics are incredible, I really liked how some of the cutscenes were filmed like a movie with the actual actors and not them in mocap suits. Very unique direction. The mind place and the writer's room were my favorite. I love piecing the evidence I collected to get a better understanding of the story as Saga and especially creating new scenes that changed the level design as Alan. The trophy grinder in me loves the simplicity and quantity of trophies to earn. 67 trophies but 65 are bronze. I found that kind of weird but trophies are trophies.

I would give this a perfect score but the combat was pretty buns. Reloading takes too long and I really don't like how to have to wait for your character to heal. You get hit, flinch and don't really have the option to run away. You can't heal either because the Taken will just kill you before you heal yourself. So you're forced to just fight but when there's more than one Taken, they'll clobber you and you'll die. I might have had different opinions if the game I played before wasn't a horror game with perfect action (I'm taking about RE4 Remake).

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
