An excellent combination of two pillars of what makes Touhou great; music and frantic split second decision making, with an extremely cute and appealing aesthetic, fantastic arrangements and remixes of Touhou tracks and a brilliantly satisfying to learn difficulty curve makes this one of the best Touhou fangames I've ever played.

If you're familiar with Crypt of the Necrodancer, you already have a decent baseline on what the gameplay of this is like, but kept in a player confined grid much like a Megaman Battle Network. Unlike Crypt and Megaman BN though, you're given a wealth of movement options to dodge incoming danmaku and you're absolutely forced to learn how to use these options effectively, the game quickly punishes you for not respecting diagonal directions and using the charge move to propel yourself two spaces and the feeling of exhilaration when you manage to pull off a long chain of complex on the fly decisions WHILE keeping to a beat of a banger song, AND juggling hitting enemies by being in the same row as them is a potent combination that rewards players with an equal mix of adrenaline and satisfaction.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
