Definitely has its charm, but I'm not sure what this game wants to be at times.

Party customization is undermined by forced party members and sections of the story where you can't even add different Pokémon to your group.

The storytelling is "charming" but barebones, and the difficulty of the game spikes super randomly at times, where for most of the time the game offers no resistance to you (super easy) and then out of nowhere you get one shot by some random enemy in a dungeon you were revisiting.

What I'm trying to say is that, the difficulty isn't a draw, the gameplay isn't a draw, the story isn't a draw, then wtf is the draw of the game? It feels like all of these aspects of the game keep stepping on each other's toes.

There's potential for greatness here, but the game feels way too directionless to me.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023


7 months ago

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