To clarify, this isn't similar to Disco Elysium if you heard that.

It has a nice premise, the idea of playing a sleeper is very interesting, the visuals are good even if they could make use of a wider variety, and the synthetic ambience is cool despite it being very limited.

However, there are many faults in CS, the pacing sees a drop halfway but takes a complete nosedive by the time you reach endgame. I found myself just dragging around rushing the cycles (Days) just to unlock events. The strangeness and hostility of the environment just turns into boredom.

The writing - which is the backbone - has inconsistencies between events, characters and more, Some are rushed than others. At times it might even instate something that wasn't even implied, and the closure of a lot of the endings felt unimportant, not anticlimactic - because some of the endings are simply serene - but careless as if the writer didn't even want to describe or give emphasis.

I was on the fence about it, but I can't recommend citizen sleeper honestly.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2022
