Another solid improvement for the series, UC3 takes strides to be even more fun and bombastic than UC2. The gunplay felt slightly more smooth with more varied weapons, and the encounters felt a little less frequent in favor of more action set-pieces that have gotten even more awe-inspiring. Better writing, better puzzles, better brawling...

Unfortunately, Drake's adventures are becoming both more serious and more silly at the same time. His relationships with other characters is easily the highlight of the narrative, but each game tries to top the previous with a more involved (yet extremely similar) plot about a treasure that ultimately doesn't feel that important (and maybe that's the point). Meanwhile, Drake performs increasingly more ludicrous stunts and survives situations that absolutely boggle the mind. It's good fun, but it does feel like a game (series) that I have to turn my brain off a bit to enjoy.

Additionally, I encountered way more glitches in this game than the previous two, and the best parts of it often felt like the parts I wasn't actually in much control (hold forward, maybe press Jump a couple times). The combat really just isn't doing much for the series, and cover shooting versus hordes of mooks stops being fun about halfway through each game.

All-in-all, I'm not sure if I liked UC3 more than UC2, but I think that some of the more objective gameplay improvements warrant a slightly higher score.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
