This Is one of those games that sneak In, completely unexpected and out of the blue...literally, because It was released on the same day It was announced and to be perfectly honest, THIS Is the Silent Hill I envisioned In the future.

I'm not really going to touch on the story, except to say that there are trigger warnings for a reason, please pay attention to them!

The Short Message basically plays like your typical Walking Simulator, If you ever played Amnesia on PC, you know exactly what you're getting Into here. The game Is short and aside from exploring and a few chase scenes, there's not really much beyond taking In the environments and reading the various clues, notes, diaries, etc that flesh out the plot. But for a free game, It doesn't really need anything else, It does what It sets out to do with almost surgical precision and that Is, to deliver a compelling and relatable narrative for many and showcase what future Silent Hill games could be like, and that possibility Is very tantalizing. Makes me wish Silent Hill 2 was done this way, a lot of fans would probably collectively lose It, but I actually think It would make the game much better.

The visuals and audio are both on point, with the exception of the flashback cutscenes where the lip sync Is off from the voice over, but that's a very minor Issue. The game looks spectacular and the atmospheric soundtrack is perfect, down to how Anita pants while she's being chased along with the music which serves to heighten tension.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2024
