I'm quite surprised how much I preferred the other Duke Evercade cart to this one. It's really great that they've remastered the original DOS games. And they've also included the PS1 version of Duke Nukem 3D, which I get why, as the button layout was already there, it just needed porting over. I remember playing that version of Duke Nukem 3D for hours and hours on the PS1. And I honestly thought I'd just be able to pick it up again like it was yesterday. It happened with Tomb Raider.

Unfortunately, I did find myself struggling with controls, and I also find the difficulty quite unforgiving also. Even on easy, it kicks my arse. Unfortunately I got quite far into the first episode and the save file broke. It just froze every time I loaded it up. After restarting I got to level 3, and I just didn't have anything left to give it. I still enjoy playing through it, but I think I'll just pick it up here and there for a few minutes at a time. Have it started in the 2nd slot of the VS in case I fancy a quick blast.

As for the original Duke games, they're fine. It's nice to play them but they're just OK. Bleeps and bloops and lots of jumping about. It's no (insert pretty much any good platformer from the last 30 years), but it was good to see where it started.

A good cart, but I enjoyed the 2nd collection much more.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
