As pinball games go, this is one of few I've played and enjoyed. But given that Sonic Spinball is one of my favourites, maybe my opinion isn't something you should heed.

Anyways, this is a lot of fun if you enjoy Star Wars and pinball. Lots of tables, loads of different goals and modes to keep things from going stale, and plenty of that good John Williams magic.

It's the music doing a lot of the heavy lifting to be fair. It reminds me of when I loved the series. Before it was milked for all its worth and Rise of Skywalker (I loved Solo btw). Remember when Star Wars was good? Well it's back, and in pinball form (and has been for the last 5 years)!

I only picked this up because it was mere pence in an online offer, and honestly, I've played hours of this and had a great time. Lots of variations in the format stop it from getting boring, or you can just play a regular game with 3 balls and a high score.

My only real gripe is that some of the minigames are a little cheap, and the vibration in the controller made it feel like I'd been using power tools all day. Otherwise, it's a solid recommendation. Hours of idle fun.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
