An enjoyable, if concise, look at some of the Atari games from the olden days. It's nice that it's presented in a curated museum style, rather than "here's a bunch of games to cycle through and probably play once".

The combination of going through videos and interviews with some of the people involved with the company and producing the games etc, along with lots of art work, ads and various other bits of info, as well as getting to the games themselves, really helped keep my interest.

There's a lot of titles and going through the history (and it having a completion percentage) encouraged me to try every single one. Even though most of the games here aren't great, it was interesting to look back at the stuff the blew my mind as a kid. I bet if I played Cybermorph in 1993, it would've been a transcendent experience. Trevor McFur, not so much.

It pretty much ignores anything from after the Jaguar, which is a shame. Even if it was just some images of the games released when the Atari name was just publishing games from the late 90s onwards. But no, just a self congratulatory video about influencing Ready Player One, and it ending with a wee interview with Nolan Bushnell.

Kind of ends with a whimper, but I unlocked a race car game after getting all the way through the history. And there's a couple of other bits to unlock if you meet a certain stipulation in some of the games. Not sure I'm that arsed though. Anyway, more like an interactive documentary.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023
