Devil May Cry 5 is one of my favorite games of all time. While this port includes a bit more content than the SE on PS4, there’s still some issues with it. At one point the battle between Dante and Vergil, the framerate tanked when I activated Sin Devil Trigger. I don’t know if it’s because I activated it at the same time as Vergil, or if it was a port issue, but it never happened to me on PS4. I had my settings set to prioritize framerate too.

Another issue I have is that there is no option to transfer save data from PS4 over to PS5, essentially having me replay the entire game again. Now I don’t mind doing that at all, I still wish I could have transferred my data from the last gen version.

EDIT: A day after I wrote this review, I encountered two more instances of frame drops while playing as Vergil. During the Goliath boss fight, the framerate dropped after the church wall was broken. And then, in Mission 5, after you first encounter the Gilgamesh, the framerate dropped even lower than all the other times. Again, I have it set to performance mode for the best framerate imaginable.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
