One of my most anticipated games in quite awhile, Spiderman 2 was well worth the wait.

While the first half of the game wasn’t wowing me as much as I had hoped, the second half comes on strong in all aspects, gameplay and fanfare being the two strongest points.

At first, I didn’t like how the Spidermen controlled as much as I did in each of their respective games. But, as you unlock more and more of their new abilities it becomes an absolute blast creating combos and using each and every ability in your arsenal. By the end of the game, both Miles and Peter feel better to control than both the other games.

I can’t wait to see what they do next and the story that they manage to tell. Obviously, I knew a lot of what was going to happen during the games story, but that doesn’t stop them from throwing twists and turns and keeping me on my toes. It’ll be a long wait but I’m excited for the future of this series!

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
