I have so much to say about this game, good and bad.

Let’s start with the good. The story parts are beautiful. This game shows so many aspects of life and death like love, loss, anger, and grief. Each of the huge and colorful cast of characters deals with their own issues and comes to terms with their death in their own meaningful way. Seriously, a couple of these characters were tugging on my heartstrings by the time to say goodbye.

The gameplay has some really fun aspects as well! The map is HUGE and everytime I found a new island I was excited to explore it. I would get a rush of determination everytime I found a new material and thought about all I could use it for once I got back to my ship! Speaking of, discovering new blueprints and designing your ship to your own preference is also super fun!

Now comes to bad. If you decide to do everything in this game get ready for a grindddd, literally. I wouldn’t necessarily call it “grinding” in the traditional gaming sense, but there is so much back and forth traveling for each and every thing you want to do and build. I was very careful to collect every resource I could every time I saw them, and there were many times I was still very short on some of them, which was very frustrating.
Especially if that particular item only had a few places it could be, then you would have to wait for it to respawn which takes a fair bit of time. Somewhere, a little bit past the halfway mark of the game, I just felt like I was completing endless tasks just for the hell of it, and it wasn’t near as satisfying as the beginning.

I also felt like some of the quests pacing was a bit off? My very last quest of the entire game was one where you had to wait 2 in game days before you could continue, so I was left with nothing to do except wait for the time to slowly tick away.

Also, some of the “mini game” building that were used to process your materials were flat out non enjoyable from the jump, whereas most of the lost their charm as I kept returning to them time after time.

I really think I screwed myself by going for 100%. If it weren’t for that, most of my issues would have been greatly diminished, and I would have rated the game higher. If I just stuck to the story bits, not worrying about every little detail and side quest, I would’ve got more enjoyment out of the parts that make this game so damn charming.

Spiritfarer is beautiful, and for those who have dealt with death up close know how many ways people cope with it. At the end of the day, we are here to help each other along the way.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
