Top 50 Favorites: #33

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Genuinely fantastic action-platformer filled to the brim with heart, humor, personality, and - like its predecessor - exceptional graphical fidelity. Leagues ahead of the first Knack in virtually every respect, though if there's one thing the original does better it's how it utilizes size scaling - in the first game there were tons of levels where you start out really small and get really big, and all that jazz. But in this one, however, it feels like you're really just relegated to one size per level and the change is way less dynamic. For it being such a major selling point of this franchise, that's an admittedly large grievance. But it's just so damn fun, man. It's so lighthearted and sports such a heavy sense of "gee whiz!" childlike amazement that you really don't see as much of in games from its era. And its art style is, unsurprisingly, sublime. I know the first one was kind of lame or whatever and we all memed it back then, but the crummy YouTuber jokes were tired even when this released tbh - I am clamoring for this franchise to return because it really found its groove here.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
