Sturdy but also Another One of These™. I'm almost totally burned out on these online live service games complete with seasons, microtransactions, grinding, trash skill-based matchmaking, and alienating "you had to be there for it" moments. Speaking strictly from a personal standpoint I just don't understand how someone can play this for more than three or maybe a generous four matches without getting bored. That being said, you just can't help but admire how this just keeps going strong (seemingly strongER) now going on SEVEN years since its release (eons, in games as a service terms) - and there's a reason for that. Look, I slightly prefer Evil Dead: The Game to this, but at least this one has a little thing called a playerbase... and devs who actually give a shit about putting in the content. The amount of horror licenses all in one place here is simply astonishing, pretty much every horror game online forum prior to this's dream come true - and I dig that it still has its very definitive art style even with all that. It's not bad, but after two matches I'm just going through the motions. Sorry, not really my type of thing.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2023
