As expected, a mixed bag: yes you've got Tour Paris Promenade (a new classic), GBA Sky Garden is brisk and pretty, Toad Circuit is a perfectly fine starter course, and Shroom Ridge remains underrated as fuck. But you've also got the weakest version of Coconut Mall which just makes you wish you could play the 3DS or Wii versions, a completely bastardized N64 Choco Mountain, Ninja Hideaway is alright I guess but I'm sorry Tour Tokyo Blur just feels mid to me. And as everybody else has all rightfully mentioned, this looked mostly like crap when it came out compared to the base game - and even though I'm glad they were cleaned up a bit since then I still think Tour's visuals are really unappealing even when upscaled here. Still fun to race on most of these tracks but it's a shaky start.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
