21 > Bedroom > Daughters > Ethan Must Die > Jack's 55th Birthday > Nightmare

About on par with the first volume, though this is marginally better exclusively for the gleefully twisted "21" - which is not only a really fun spin on Blackjack (even when the A.I. blatantly cheats it seems like it only does so to stimulate your problem-solving skills, and how you're able to save your own ass out of a corner via the trump cards) but this continues the RE series' trend of genuinely shocking violence in a way that made even me feel sickened. Vile shit, I'm impressed! As far as memes go, Jack's 55th Birthday is initially amusing but as a score-grabber really uninteresting imo. Daughters is fine, with arguably the most enticing premise out of the two packs but it's out the door as soon as it seems to begin. It's always nice to see more Jack convulsions, but we finally get to see the Baker's horrific, undeserved transformation and it's over in the blink of an eye? It really needed to be the same length (longer, really) as Not A Hero to work at full effect. Plus its different endings seem kind of pointless to me. Anyways, not bad - but hardly anything that will really blow the roof off.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
