One of the goddamn worst things I've ever played. At least even Borderlands and its terrible DLCs function on a base level. This is - no exaggeration - unplayable on PS3. In case you may have misinterpreted that, I don't mean it just runs poorly - I mean it is legitimately, no joke unable to be played correctly. At all. The first couple missions are boring but doable (albeit at a snail's pace), then the last mission will literally drop to 1 frame per every 6-7 (or more!) seconds and you don't even have to be in the heat of battle. Crashed (for the umpteenth time) upon netting my very last Fallout 3 trophy from it and I didn't even bother trying to salvage. I was done. Thank the Lord. Yes the level 30 cap and postgame abilities are a crucial addition to the base game, but you cannot excuse the pitiful state of its named content. And even if this wasn't a thorough technical failure it's still everything people complained that the incomparably superior Operation Anchorage was - a linear, monotonous, repetitive, chuggy and buggy enemy spam/exposition dump. Fucking HELL.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
