Diverting, but virtually zero actual nutritional value. As per usual the music is great, the gameplay is completely fine too - but there's just not a lot going on here. Obviously bringing Classic Sonic back was a based move, and the customization stuff is fun without being more than it needs to be - though it always feels akin to a Sonic Generations-lite at its core, the level design + themes really aren't as interesting here. That medal system or whatever that was feels kind of arbitrary. And of course the story is bullshit but what did you expect? I'd 100% play this again in a flash, but also can't pretend like it didn't become kind of an empty chore my first time around. Not a whole lot different at all from Sonic Colors or honestly many of the other modern Sonic games, sporadic turn-off-your brain fun.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
