"Are you afraid?"

I'm not adding anything new to the mix here by saying how much better this story is than the base game's - with lots of melancholy themes about how memories are a crucial and intrinsic part of the human experience; and not only what we're driven to do when we lose them, but when we let them define who we are if/when we ultimately do retrieve them. You're missing out on at least half the experience if you don't bring Nick Valentine with you, who is built upon as a character so much here. Like Fallout 4 it still has a mostly unremarkable open world and sporadically tiring, repetitive quest structure - but the music and graphics in this are very pretty, and have a nice aura of mystery enveloping them. Also those memory puzzles are God-tier y'all are tripping, legitimately genius move to turn their settlement building system into a Minecraft-esque series of digital riddles. Incomparably better than Automatron and the base game itself.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
