GW2 is, or rather, was a game with great potential ruined by incompetent company. I used "was" because at this point there's no saving GW2 from clutches of NCSOFT and ArenaNet.

- There are bugs that haven't been fixed for over 10 years
- The developers are biased towards their own classes while balancing the game (Solar situation revealed it but I doubt he's the only one that did that.)
- You are much more likely to get banned on forums for complaining about wintraders and exploiters than the wintraders and exploiters themselves.
- In my 7 years of playing GW2, not once have I been banned for exploiting a bug
- The economy is plagued by people botting/afk farming (usually both), making any gathering completely unprofitable.
- SPVP is completely abandonned by ANET with exception to few balance changes from time to time. PVP Gizmos for tournaments are wintraded almost everytime there's an automated monthly tournament and ANET doesn't give a single fuck about it.
- WVW is only slightly less abandonned but ANET still refuses to punish any exploiters with some exploits being few years old (most egregious one - going under the castle and planting catapults to damage the gates from points that are unaccessible to people who don't use or don't know the exploits themselves)
- Raids are abandonned, they've been replaced by strikes which are usually of worse quality than any of the raids.
- Fractals (Pretty much dungeons with affixes, you can think of them as M+ if those weren't timed) are pretty fun despite some issues and one of the newest ones, Silent Surf, was clearly a reused strike that had to be fixed over multiple patches to a working state.
- Dungeons are literally dead, last one was released 10 years ago.
- The story is painfully mediocre with pretty good highs and awful lows.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023


5 months ago

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