Despite SV having its issues (optimisation problems, lack of story depth, empty world) it's still a lot of fun; especially at the beginning when you're introduced to Paldea and allowed to roam free. I personally had fun filling my dex as I made my way between the 3 stories. Unfortunately I can't recall anything I truly loved, but there were good moments (Titan storyline, Let's Go feature, mount exploration, Clodsire <3). The post-game trip to Area Zero felt very action JRPG - if that's the direction Pokemon is going, sign me up.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2022


1 year ago

I have scarlet for Christmas. I am well aware of its issues but still looking forward to it. Considering making it the first ever Pokémon game where I actually complete a full dex. But we shall see 😂

1 year ago

Honestly I was addicted for the first 2 weeks so it's still a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy and good luck with the dex!! I haven't finished yet but seems very doable.

1 year ago

Status report on the dex. I got around 275 Pokémon out of 400. It’s very doable but I was happy to leave the game there. I think it’s best to leave a game happy instead of forcing myself to return to it, I have a backlog to get through.

1 year ago

Nice! Yeah, I actually did the same thing - would have been forcing myself to play just to get a shiny charm that I wouldn't have used. It's a shame, but enjoyed my time with it.