+I absolutely love the Gulag. The whole atmosphere is perfect.
+The map is great. I don't have much experience in battle royale games, but this map really does feel like a bunch of well connected smaller maps into a comprehensive city.

-For a battle royale game with the COD title AND crossplay, it seems to takes ages to start a match.
-This isn't really specific to this battle royale game, but is a flaw in all of them that carries over to this one, and that's that there's so many people that you can rarely ever get into a firefight with someone without alerting your position to the hundreds of others who may be nearby and instantly able to pick you off from their hidden spots.
-Another problem that I imagine is in most BR games - Too much camping potential. The huge map and many buildings to explore make simply hiding in one spot too viable an option that people do. Why run out into the open and risk being seen by hundreds of people from the safety of their windows when you can just hide until the circle becomes too small?

Mixed/Not important enough to be a pro or con:
~Contracts. It seems like a weird addition to add these little bonus objectives in a game where everyone in the map wants to kill you. To be fair the hitman ones are fine as they actively help the style of gameplay. But the capture the objective ones? They literally just force you to be exposed. It doesn't seem like its ever safe to take part in these (again, except the hitman one)

•When the update came, I tried to download it and didn't have enough space. The game is already 100GB and I had 80GB left. Apparently to download the single update you need the space for the full game and not just the update file? It's wack. At this point the only viable way to keep playing is to keep re-deleting the game and downloading the massive 100+GB file every time an update comes, or remove every other game from the PS4 so I can always have a spare 100GB available.
•I played this as a standalone. Never played the Modern Warfare main game. No idea how that impacts my experience.

Edit: One of the cons I previously mentioned (See below) seems to have been changed in a recent update, so I changed the rating from 2 stars to 2.5:
"-There seems to be an inconsistent killcam? Or at least it only showed up like 10% of the time for me. I'd really like to know how I was killed a lot of the times, it feels like an important aspect in these kind of games."

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2020
