+The Beerus fight was a lot of fun. Obviously that's the main draw too.
+You can easily grind training items to get to max level for the main event.

-There's an extremely weird level curve to this. The main fight, the Beerus fight, requires you to be max level, and yet the very first "fight" requires you to be level 5. I guess they intended to let anyone play the DLC even if they just started the game, but it's so short by itself that no new player will EVER have a chance at the later stuff and no late game player will need to do the early stuff. They even let you unlock the Super Saiyan forms early for some reason, so even if you did play this as a new player it feels like it'd take away a huge experience from the main game.
-They didn't really do any story here. They didn't take the Battle of Gods story from either the anime or movie, instead just teleporting you to Beerus' planet and you just go through a couple of fights with Whis and Beerus.
-The actual SSj God ritual cutscene is shown in still images. Kakarot CAN have some amazing full cutscenes (See Vegetto vs Super Boo), and that would have been the perfect place to put one of those. Even outside of that disappointment all the other cutscenes are just the standard lifeless models with text boxes ones.
-In one cutscene my character models just...disappeared. It was pretty weird. In any other review I wouldn't call this a full on con, but since this DLC is so short, that glitched cutscene makes up quite a bit of content.

Mixed/not important enough to be pro or con:
~The two sidequests they have aren't too thrilling, but Vegeta's did have some laughs.

•It's really hard to consider the worth of the price of this. On one hand this by itself feels like it should be a free update, but it's only part 1 of a season pass worth of content (there's 2 more stories like it I think). All 3 of them together could be good, but since you absolutely have to pay for the pass at once, having this be the first and only thing you get right now feels a bit underwhelming.

Reviewed on May 01, 2020
