Now that the very rough launch period has ironed out, it's possible to get the true Overwatch 2 experience.

I was a big fan of Overwatch 1, so for better or worst, the fact this is the same game just made me feel right back at home. I also hadn't played in about 3 years (before Echo released), so it was nice to come back to a lot of new content.

Unfortunately pretty much every change they made as part of turning this into Overwatch 2 was a net negative. Free cosmetics are gone in favour of an overpriced f2p system.

The 5 v 5 thing is probably my least favourite change though. The loss of any role (always a tank if you play role queue) makes all your teams feel unfinished. Without a 2nd tank the amount of pressure on healers also goes up way too much, and they're already the most underappreciated role. It also seems weird to me that there's so few regular tanks now - they even got rid of Orisa's shield. It feels like the tank role, outside of maybe 2 characters, is just a beefy DPS. Granted some of them were already like that, but the whole point was to have your main tank and the "off tank". This whole change just doesn't feel like it fits.

As far as push mode goes, I kind of enjoy it. It's plays differently and requires different strategy while still feeling right at home with the regular modes. The maps also make pretty good use of multiple pathways to ensure a quick route back to wherever the robot is (except 1 map which I hate, I forget what it's called).

But it came at the loss of assault mode, so we didn't really "gain" a mode so much as replace one. I dunno what the problem with assault was, I liked it outside of the moon map.

I can't say that Overwatch 2 "ruined" the game for me since I definitely still have fun with it, but to replace one game with the exact same game but worse is just...why?

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2022
