I was really in the mood for One Of These. There is something weirdly quite relaxing about the specific brand of 3d platforming the Tomb Raider games provide. At least, that was what I thought when I played (and subsequently abandoned) Tomb Raider II recently. And stupidly I thought "no, no. It must just be cause TR2 is old. I like Tomb Raider Anniversary, maybe I'll like Underworld too!"

Anyway, it's buggy, it's the last part of a trilogy that appears to be in full fucking swing and seems weird and shit, there are full blown combat section that are total bum.

I cannot fucking BELIEVE this game came out AFTER Uncharted 1.

All I can say positively about Underworld is that it's presumed failure is how we ended up with the utterly fantastic Lara Croft In... games. Seriously, go play them, they rule.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022
