Huge letdown for me. I was so hyped to return to this, rushing through Arkham City because I had memories of this being head and shoulders above it. Ultimately, its not that different. It's "bigger" I suppose but you still spend a lot of the game running back and forth between the GCPD building, the Museum and the Steel Mill. Not unlike the buildings in Asylum. The side content is still hit or miss. Deadshot and Bane were a waste. The titan bosses still suck. I really don't need like 15 enemy types in one fight. The Catwoman shit didn't work for me, I just don't like how she plays. It's crazy how poorly done Two Face is in all these games given he's one of the best Batman villains.

The Riddler's Revenge mode is still good fun. I enjoy stalking and torturing these bodybuilder clowns in random locations. I'm not calling this a bad game but the magic is gone for me and I don't see myself ever returning.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
