The demo for this game simultaneously runs like shit, is almost condescendingly easy, and is 2 minutes long, but I can still tell you this will be far and away the best selling shmup this year because no one else cares to market theirs at all.

Play Natsuki Chronicles.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2021


3 years ago

just curious: what did you play this on? which difficulty? this is not the impression i got here:

3 years ago

@zenoslime I played on Hard on Switch. PS4 seems, weirdly, to actually run worse, probably due to it using some pretty instense lighting effects.

7 months ago

@Cold_Comfort Interesting, I have the PS4 version, and yeah it drops framerate at times. I was under the impression that the Switch version had worse performance for obvious reasons, in addition to the loading screens that were mentioned in someone else's video review.