I have played 2 hours of this game, and I already know I could spend way, way longer talking about it than I ever could playing it. Somewhere beneat this absolute trainwreck there's the bones of a fun stealth action sandbox game, with cool mechs and interesting story elements. But on both a technical and gameplay level, everything is blatantly, absurdly bad, more reminiscent of fumbling around in an early access survival game from 2011 than a AAA release from Square Enix in 2019.

Just some of the questions this game has me pondering

- Why does the game drop you in an open area with dozens of guards and giant mechs with no stealth tools or real means to acquire them?

- Why is the player health so high, and why does it take 4 pistol headshots to kill a guard?

- What are these really cool, realised mechs doing in a field of such jank?

- Why is the morality system actually vaguely interesting?

- What the fuck happened here?

I must play on. Half of me wants to snap the disc in half and the other half must delve deeper, to try and work out this enigma of a game.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2020
