Imagine making a game thats so dedicated and loving to Tatsujin oh to the point where Toaplan could probably send a cease and desist letter if they still existed, that only takes the most baseline, aesthetic lessons from it. That's crisis wing.

The most baffling thing about crisis wing is it's diagonal movement. I hope to hell this is only a bug in the switch version because if it isn't it's absolutely baffling. The player ship moves way slower upwards and downwards than side to side, with diagonals being ludicrously slow in particular. It's bizzare and is about the reddest flag possible a new shmup could possibly have.

And aside from that it's just so boring. There's no evolution on tatsujin oh here, just copypasta, and bad copypasta. Tatsujin Oh is an incredibly flawed game in it's own right, with it's eternally long stages flying over repetitive backgrounds, but it's base gameplay, control, and the scenarios it throws at the player are fantastic and have a great handle on the players capabilities and movement.

Crisis wing's formations are both boring and frustrating, with waves being barely in reach with the ship's bizzare movement speed, each repeating a couple of times for no good reason, until you end up at a very standard boss. All the while you fly over a background that changes even less than Tatsujin Oh's interminably long stages.

On a particularly sour note, you can't rebind your controls on the switch version. Hell, the game doesn't even tell you what your controls are without just messing about in-game. What the fuck is wrong with this game?

In the end, the control issues are unforgivably bad for an arcade shooter (and honeslty, probably any other genre), and the game behind it all is just a way worse version of an already polarising game that released 30 years ago.

If you want a good Toaplan-inspired indie, play Super XYX. This is garbage.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2021
