It’s Blackjack! … Okay, okay, fine I already ran that bit into the ground. So more details, uh, its certainly a functional if boring blackjack game that more adequately emulates the source than that god awful Slot Machine did with its own basis and, hmm, well Bob Whitehead programmed it, and since I already mentioned Kaplan in a different review I may as well mention one of the other four programmers who banded together and rightfully left Atari to form Activision after realizing their labor was being exploited by the bloodsuckers in seersuckers in the company.

Of course, that labor at the time was creating a simplistic digital blackjack game but it was a simpler time and workers of the world unite etc etc regardless. In an attempt to not alienate the three people who accidentally stumbled upon this accidentally I won’t go in depth about how deeply ironic it is that a company started by four workers who felt they weren’t being compensated adequately for their labor has turned into an egregious union buster that pays noted antagonist goblin Bobby Kottick 40 billion double dollars. DeathgripsGuillotine.mp3

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2020
