Yet another first run Atari game that is more notable for who made it - Warren Robinett of “the first graphical Adventure game, Adventure, as well as the first person to insert an easter egg in the game to force Atari to credit the designer since that used to be a thing that video game publishers used to not do and frankly would probably love to not have to do now” fame - than it is on its own merits.

Its a two player car combat game where you move through a maze trying to hit your opponent with missiles that you control. The gameplay doesn’t feel particularly fun, the controls aren’t really equipped for what you are trying to do here, and there are only four maps with three of them being way too cluttered for an Atari screen, so you can see the problem here. Also the vehicles either look like wizard hats or dongs depending on how messed up your brain is. Mine is dong levels of messed up personally.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2020
